Friday, February 25, 2011

The first step...

     So here I am, falling into the trap of being an online blogger. This could get interesting. Just thought it would be a nice way to get things off my chest as well as remember things later in life. Im pretty sure my short term memory is GONE lol. It is a trait that my sister and I both share, hence why she has a blog. Owell, what doesnt kill ya makes ya stronger right?
     Well as for me, I am the mother of the 3 most beautiful children in the world. I couldnt ask for more. I have 2 boys and 1 girl. The perfect family right? Yea i thought so too. Since I finally got my girl I decided to get my tubes tied. Dont wanna push my luck ya know. I want to be able to give my children anything and everything they want/need. Not spoil them, just be able to do anything for them without depending on anyone to do so.
     About a year ago, my life made a major change. When I was 6 months pregnant with my daughter I quit my job. Not because I wanted to, but because I felt like i was forced to. I worked as a restaurant as an assistant manager and my sister was my GM. Well our company was very small and our owner was more concerned about lining his pockets than taking care of his hard-working dedicated employees. So on a Wednesday afternoon, he fired my best friend, who worked for his company for over 5 yrs. Then that Saturday I got a call from my sister saying that the owner and area mgr were at the store. Now let me remind you that it is 8am! There is no good reason that they would be there that early other than to fire someone. So of course, I go into work to see whats goin on. About 10 minutes later I get the news that my sisters position has been "cut." It only took me about 3.5 seconds to realize I was next. So i beat him to the punch. I immediately resigned, signed all necessary paperwork, and left. At first I thought I made the wrong decision by just quitting but then i glanced at my termination paperwork and my name was TYPED on it. Not written! So my intuition was right. I was def the next to go. So after that I took about 1 month off and then finally got another job. This def wasnt where my heart was. I stuck with this job up until I went on maternity leave. I dreaded going back after I had my daughter because this job just wasnt me. BUT, I am a mother of 3 kids so not having a job just isnt an option. So off to work I go....About 2 weeks after knew I wasnt going to be able to do this much longer. Thanks to a great friend, I enrolled in a nurse aide training class. Im not graduated from that and working in that field. I absolutely love it! I love working with the residents but I've  been thinking lately that this isnt quite the kind of nursing i was interested in. So in July, if i pass the entrance testing, I will be enrolled in an LPN course! Im super excited and nervous at the same time. Im just so happy that I finally have a career path and not just another job. So thats part of my life in a nutshell....stay tuned for part 2!