Thursday, March 3, 2011

Time to grow up...

So first, let me just say that this is not directed to just one person because I'm sure we all know of many women that I will be talkin about. This is just an overall rant about ALL of them....

My Story First...

Ok so when I was 19 I had my first son. His father and I were not a good match. Well actually, his father sucked! He was never there, never had a job, paid a  bill, bought a diaper, and the list goes on....But I had the same idea in my head that all women have at one point, I want to stay together for the baby. WELL, thats how baby number 2 came along. My first son was only 2 months old when I found out I was pregnant. Oh boy, I was close to having a nervous breakdown. But i sucked it all up and pushed on. So as I was watchin my first learn to crawl I was also finding out that I was having ANOTHER boy. God works in mysterious ways because i would have been screwed if i had a girl. I def wanted a girl but it worked out so well because I obviously already had everything for a boy. So on May 11th I have baby boy #2. This was 2 and a half weeks before my first son would turn 1. So I now have 2 children under the age of 1 and all at the age of 20. Ok, I did my best. It was definately the biggest struggle of my life. I think this is worse than having twins cus atleast twins are in the same developmental stage where I had one boy trying to walk and one boy not sleeping through the night...(just imagine the struggle) And to top it all off, I was doing this basically on my own. I worked as a waitress full time, while the man who donated sperm sat at home and played video games. I was lucky if he would watch them for me....which was a rare occasion. And for the 1st three months of my second sons life i kept the same idea in my head that i needed to make it work for the boys. Well when he was 3  months, I got sick of it all and realized that I didnt need him and neither did those boys. So BYE BYE! I packed his stuff and out the door he went. I will admit I went through periods of time when I would relapse like an addict and take him back thinkin he changed but those times lasted only about 2 weeks and he was out the door again. Honestely, I felt like I failed my children. I didnt want them to be another statistic of being raised by a single mom with a loser dad. But I sucked it up and knew that what I was doing was the best thing for my kids. So I got a new place, got rid of all of his stuff so he didnt have a reason to ever come back, and started a whole new life. Things were going great. I was finally  moving up at my job, now Assistant Manager, and my kids were in a great school. We lived in a cozy little ranch house with a nice back yard and kid friendly neighborhood. Then, I met him.....the man Im sure I will one day marry. We immediately "clicked" and the rest is history. Without hestitation, he jumped right into my little family life, no questions asked. Maybe it was because he had a child at a young age or because he is wise beyond his years. Either way, he didnt treat me or my boys wrong. Flowers just because, takin the boys to the park, teaching them to play football, hide n seek....all the qualities a "FATHER" would have. But he wasnt there father. It has been almost 3 years since I met my better half and I thank god for him everyday. He is everything I could ever wish for and more. And the boys ADORE him. They call him dad....btw they chose to do that on their own. They look up to him, miss him when he is gone, and all the other fun daddy son stuff. Oh did I mention that we now have a BEAUTIFUL BEAUTIFUL BEAUTIFUL lil girl. She is 8  months old and I love her sooo much. I feel like Im gettin to enjoy the baby stage more with her because I have the support of my man and I'm not rushed to do things for 2 lil ones. Ohhhh my baby girl....I cant even describe how much she means to me. I know for sure that I'd be so lost without her and Im so thankful for all 3 of my children.

So now to the mom's, well the women who have children cus im not sure some of you deserve to be called mom, stop making excuses and step up! Im sick of hearing about women who sleep all day and let their kids run the house, who dont do anything because they say they cant do it own their own or who live off of their parents, or the ones who put another man before their child. Ughhhhh it jus disgusts me! I've def been there and been through the storm but you can only go up from the bottom. STOP HAVING BABIES! Another kid isnt goin to save ur relationship or ensure that a man will stay. Start worryin about your babies and how u can better their life. Make sure they get a good education, eat healthy, and LOVE them like there is no tomorrow. There are so many women out there that cant have children or that have lost a child and u take them for granted. Please women, just grow up!  Its time....

1 comment:

  1. Ok I am now officially following you. Just look outside your window.....LOL. Now you shoulda known I didnt mean that literally it is way to cold and slippery out for me to leave the house.
